Tag Archives: EB3 lawyer Naples

EB3 Visas

EB3 Visas | Rothrock Immigration Lawyer | Naples |Miami | Florida

EB3 Visa | Florida Immigration Lawyer Carl Rothrock | Naples | Miami | USA

Carl Rothrock is a Florida immigration attorney who files EB3 visas.

Carl Rothrock is a highly qualified Florida immigration lawyer who has filed EB3 Visas for clients throughout the world.  Mr. Rothrock has represented thousands of clients from over 100 countries throughout the world.  EB3 visas are employment-based visas that allow foreign citizens to legally work in the United States and obtain green cards. EB3 workers comprise three categories:  skilled workers, professionals, and “other workers,” which includes unskilled workers.  The U.S. government issues approximately 40,000 EB3 visas per year and caps the number of visas by country. 

Types of EB3 Visas

  1. “Skilled workers” must hold two years of training or experience.  

  2. “Professionals” must belong to a profession requiring a bachelor’s degree.

  3. “Other workers” include unskilled laborers and skilled laborers having less than two years of experience.

Requirements of the EB3 Visa

  • A U.S. company must sponsor the immigrant for a job.  The applicant cannot file a petition on his or her own behalf.
  • The U.S. Department of Labor must issue labor certification before the government will grant the visa.  Labor Certification is a complicated and lengthy process.  The employer must prove to the government that it is paying a fair wage to the foreign employee and that no suitable U.S. citizens are qualified to fill the job.
  • The foreign employee must be qualified for the job. 

Advantages of the EB3 visa

  • The EB3 provides permanent residence in the United States to the holder, the holder’s spouse, and children under 21.  Eventually, the family members can apply for U.S. citizenship.
  • Compared to other types of visas, the applicant does not need to prove that his or her talents are extraordinary.  Rather, the applicant simply needs to prove that he or she is qualified.